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Selectmen's Minutes 3/7/06
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
March 7, 2006

Present:~~~~~~~~Christopher Colclough, Jesse McSweeney and James Egan. ~Mark Gallivan absent.  Also present Executive Secretary Michael Finglas.

7:32 p.m.~~~~~~~Acting Chairman McSweeney called the meeting to order, lead the Pledge Allegiance and read the announcements and upcoming meeting schedule.

Item I          Executive Secretary’s Report  - Mr. Finglas reported that the following warrants were reviewed and approved:  Expense Warrant #33A in the amount of $17,989.76 on February 16, 2006; February 23, 2006, Payroll Warrant 34 in the amount of $95,877.03; expense warrant 34 in the amount of $6,100.20; expense warrant 34A in the amount of $17,403.04; March 2, 2006 payroll warrant #35 in the amount of $92,824.91; expense warrant #35 in the amount of $29,799.91 and expense warrant #35A in the amount of $61,260.67.  MBTA – Mr. Finglas informed the Board that he will be meeting with the MBTA to discuss parking lot expansion.  Mr. McSweeney requested another means of entrance and exit.  The Board discussed the traffic issues and related matters.  Conservation Commission – Mr. Finglas reported that the Conservation Commission is down one member.  The Commission will soon be reviewing the Police Station project.  One of the Commission members is an abutter and will not be able to participate.  Achieving a quorum could be a problem.  The Board solicited residents to come forward to serve.  Budget – Mr. McSweeney inquired about the status of the budget.  Mr. Finglas advised the Board that the budget books have been completed and distributed to the Finance Committee.  The Board of Selectmen will receive their copies during the week.  Mr. Egan informed the Board members he saw the document and was impressed with its presentation and its ease if reading.

Item II         Policies and Procedures  - Mr. McSweeney distributed copies of the policies and procedures to Mr. Egan and Mr. Colclough for their review.  Mr. Finglas advised that this was a project the Town Administrator can work on this summer.

Item III        Resignation  - Mr. McSweeney read a letter of resignation from James Armstrong from the Whitman-Hanson Regional School Committee.  The Board unanimously accepted with regret Mr. Armstrong’s resignation.

MOTION by Egan, second by Colclough that the Town Clerk place on the May 20, 2006, Town Election Ballot the one year term for Whitman Hanson Regional School District Committee Pre K-12 created by the resignation of James E. Armstrong.  Voted 3 – 0.

Item IV         Committee Reports  - Monponsett Pond – Mr. Colclough reported that Brockton had a study of the surrounding area.  Mr. Colclough requested a copy of the tape and report of the Meeting held on February 7, 2006.  Open Space Committee – Mr. Egan discussed the Community Preservation Act.  There will be a speaker at their next meeting on April 3, 2006.

MOTION by Egan, second by Colclough to adjourn.  Voted 3 – 0.

        Meeting adjourned 7:58 p.m.
                                                       Respectfully Submitted by
                                                        Michael W. Finglas